Inquiry: Hellenistic Greek texts from LCL?

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Mon Nov 30 1998 - 15:25:11 EST

At year's end, I have $100 left in my book line item. Happy, happy...Joy,
joy! I have been wanting to buy a few LCL volumes of texts written between
1st century BCE and 2nd century CE to read more from non-canonical texts.
I am placing increasing value on the general knowledge of Greek usage
contemporary to NT writings. Especially any written in a similar koine

Perusing the Harvard web site, I can occassionally tell the dates of a
writing and learn, for instance, that ACHILLES TATIUS' _LEUCIPPE AND
CLITOPHON_ is a second century writing. But most often I am lost. Anyone
have a reference, or a list of authors' writing dates, or even a note
including authors from the period they could send me private? I am aware
of Boring, Berger, Colpe's _Hellenistic Commentary to the NT_. I know the
biggies such as Josephus, Philo, and church fathers. I am open to
suggestions of particular works that would be worth reading. Are there
other publishings that print Greek/English side-by-side other than Loeb
Classic Library that I should be exploring?

Thanking you in advance,

Joseph A. Weaks
Minister of the Word
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Spearman, TX
"Let unity be our polar star." -GMP KT

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