Re: Rules

From: Paul F. Evans (
Date: Tue Dec 08 1998 - 08:00:13 EST


You wrote:

>but you shouldn't ever see hO AGAQOS hO ANHR.

I am not in my office right now so I can't check, but I am almost certain,
other than the substitution of ANQRWPOS, that Machen actually gives this
construction as an example for an attributive set up. I have always been
confused when I read the GNT when I come across anarthrous nouns and
articular adjectives trying figure out how to understand them. As basic as
it is, maybe we (I am too embraced by my ignorance to say "I") could use an
expert summary of the rules, if such a "summary" is possible! This would
explain why I do not find many constructions like the one I learned from.
Of course, I may have nodded off in this class and those strange
double-visions that dance in your head after a heavy lunch may have
multiplied the definite articles in the examples I was studying!

Red-faced and ashamed,

Paul Evans
Wilmington First Pentecostal Holiness Church

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