RE: Gal 1:1

From: wross (
Date: Wed Dec 16 1998 - 15:46:49 EST

Didn't we do this very recently? Here DIA with genitive clearly must mean
"by mediation of" a human being. This is a text wherein Paul is underscoring
as powerfully as he can the independence of his apostolate from any human

I misunderstood the goal or the question. Were we looking for our problems,
or for areas of the text that were enriched by a proper exegesis and
translation. I understood the use of dia, I just thought it might be
interesting for readers of the KJV or NIV who, not having the benefit of the
Greek, would not appreciate that 'by' didn't just imply source, but agency.

Dunno, seemed like it might interest our friend for his book. It might be
too obvious to have mentioned. Sorry.

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