RE: Verses which need to be read in the Grk

From: wross (
Date: Thu Dec 31 1998 - 18:10:37 EST

What would you say about the particularly edifying nature of reading the
following sentence in Greek--rather than in the KJV?


I think it is noteworthy that there are two words for crying in Koine. The
hapax employed here implies shedding silent tears, as in deep sadness, as
opposed to the more common word used in the NT "KLAIO" which is not silent.

Just as important is that I have the opportunity to discover any subleties
of language that are present when they are present because the full range
the language is there. I'm afraid I'm with Jim's unqualified generalization
on this one.

That is not to say that one diligently and prayerfully meditating the
English translations and one skimming the Greek will have equal benefit. The
English fellow will obviously walk away with more.

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