Hall Harris' commentary on John

From: Daniel E. Buck (dbuck@briercrest.ca)
Date: Wed Jan 13 1999 - 12:55:24 EST

George Blaisdell pointed out to us the workof Dr. Hall harris writing

"I have been reading Dr. Harris' online commentary on the book of John
with great benefit. He seems to be a wonderful Johannine scholar."

I would commend him to each of you for your work in Johannine studies. He
is currently working on a College Reader in the studies of the Gospel of
John which will likely be a great choice for texts for college and possibly
seminary courses on the book and its theology.

This is part of the NETBible Translation sponsored by the Biblical Studies
Foundation which can be found at http://bible.org.

Daniel E. Buck
Assistant Professor, Biblical Studies
Briercrest Bible College
Caronport, SK CANADA

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