Re: Receiving truncated digests

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sat Jan 16 1999 - 06:42:40 EST

At 12:23 AM -0500 1/16/99, wrote:
>Just to add my two cents. I have been receiving the digest for years and to
>my knowledge have never received a truncated digest from b-greek. I do often
>receive digests that must be downloaded as attachments due to their size.
>Nevertheless, they are intact.
>Once I received a truncated digest that was forwarded from another member.
>Joe Fantin
>Dallas, TX

I'm somewhat at a loss to know what underlies this problem of truncated
digests or multiple copies of digests. Because I've had some data loss in
transfer for altogether different reasons lately I've decided to subscribe
to the digest format of BG at my alternative address yesterday, and I have
just now seen the first one, which seems complete. I talked to Jonathan
about this on Wednesday evening--by now he is off on another of his
whirlwind business trips to Thailand and other parts--and he thinks it's a
'mechanical' error of some sort, an occasional software failure at sunsite
or metalab or whatever the server calls itself now in the NC Research
Triangle--and he's rather skeptical that we can do much about it from an
administrative standpoint to over come the problem.

Although I hope this isn't going to bring a flood of mail on me, let me ask
those of you who continue to have problems with the digest formatting to
let me know about it in an off-list message rather than air that
uncomfortable but un-Greek dirty linen on the list itself. I would like to
know the dimensions of the problem if it becomes necessary to call it
attention to the technical people who operate the Lyris system. Thanks in

One other item: although we don't see this very often, please be careful,
when responding to a message from the digest-form of the list, NOT to cite
the whole digest in your response sent to the list. Thanks.

Carl W. Conrad
Co-Chair, B-Greek List
Department of Classics, Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649 OR

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