
From: Theodore H Mann (
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 12:05:02 EST


Because of my wife's illness, I have not examined B-Greek postings
carefully for some time. I hope I'm not repeating a question that has
already received extensive treatment.

In Matt.6:13, some translations (e.g., NASU, RSV) render TOU PONHROU as
"evil," while others translate it substantivally. Can someone explain
the arguments on both sides? Louw/Nida goes with "evil one," as does
Vine, Robertson and BADG (if I read it correctly). The TR includes the
words in the parallel passage in Lk.11:4, and the KJV translates them
"evil" there, as it also does in Matthew. ...ALLA RUSAI HMAS APO TOU
PONHROU are, of course, omitted in UBS4 and NA26, in the Luke passage.
Many thanks.

Theodore "Ted" Mann

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