Re: Duval/Guthrie vs. Gordon Fee

From: Jonathan Ryder (
Date: Wed Feb 24 1999 - 13:37:36 EST

With reference to the below. I've done all my NT Greek study in England at a secular
university as part of Theological study. My first year greek course involved learning
grammar ('elements of') from Wenham followed by going through latter 8 chapters of
Mark, on which we were examined (translation qn and comment on differences in english
translation etc). As I did this first year out of sync I've since returned to greek
for a second year as part of graduate NT Studies.

As a result I've had no exposure to such things as diagramming (let alone discourse
analysis) etc. only discovering the idea by accident through reading Baker's series
of Guides to New Testament Exegesis.

What I'm wondering is if others would share their experiences of learning NT Greek or
NT studies more generally or how they teach NT and NT Greek - I'm particularly
interested in shapes of curriculum, resources, what you think someone should be
taught to do exegesis/read NT in original language.

I'm particularly interested in systematic approach to reading/exegesis such as
diagramming, grammatical and lexical analysis as it suits my scientific mind.

Respond off list if you prefer, but please do respond.

Jonathan Ryder

> Clayton Stirling Bartholomew:
> >
> >I wonder how many of you NT Greek professors have given up using Gordon
> >Fee's text for this new book. If you have, why did you? And if you
> >reviewed Duval/Guthrie and decided to stay with Gordon Fee, what were
> >your reasons?
> Clayton,
> I am using Duval/Guthrie in the syntax focus of our curriculum because I
> think it blends nicely with Mounce's _Graded Reader_ which I also am using
> in the classroom. I do think that Duval/Guthrie ought to be conflated with
> Mounce's _Reader_ and have suggested such to Zondervan. I have tied both
> "workbooks" to lab assignments for lab teams (collaborative student work
> outside of class). I have used the two books this year for the sake of
> providing the students with individual and group aids to reading a "graded"
> selection of NT texts. Duval/Guthrie mirror the graded NT selections in
> Mounce.
> I still use and advocate my own system of "grammatical" or "syntactical"
> diagramming and provide a separate "manual" for that. The diagramming
> "instruction" of Duval/Guthrie serves only as an additional approach
> (reference). Simple as their "grammatical diagramming" is, I think there
> is a more straightforward approach to notation. However, the assignments
> for diagramming are "bite size" and very useful for "lab" and "homework"
> assignments. I personally appreciate the fact that the diagramming,
> syntax, and vocabulary assignments offer a format which the instructor can
> utilize with a high degree of freedom and personal choice.
> What the two volumes (Mounce and Duval/Guthrie) offer me is an
> instructional aid to my primary goal in the syntax course--to have the
> students read as widely as possible in the NT and gain a working knowledge
> of Greek syntax.
> By the way, I still use Fee in the "exegesis" section (3rd term) of our
> curriculum.
> Jon R. Venema
> Western Seminary

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