RE: Grammars using Disc Anal (was Re: Student of Guthrie)

From: Hultberg, Alan D (
Date: Fri Feb 26 1999 - 11:32:29 EST


I recall seeing a fairly recent intermediate grammar by Richard Young and
published by Broadman/Holman -- I'm pretty sure it had an extensive discussion
of discourse analysis.



Has a teaching grammar employing a discourse analysis approach
been developed yet for Biblical Greek? Somehow, in the cobwebs
of my memory, I recall a mention of an intermediate or advanced
grammar using this approach, but I am most interested in a
beginning grammar. It would complement the beginning Hebrew
course that I am using very successfully. The grammar for that
course, by the way, was written by one of the co-chairs of the
b-hebrew list, Bryan Rocine.

Any ideas or any reports of works in progress?



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