real time discussion

From: Jim West (jwest@Highland.Net)
Date: Mon Mar 08 1999 - 19:50:56 EST


I dont want to be taken amiss, but I have added a message board and chat
room to my web site- and I am more than willing to make the chat room
available for any of you who wish to discuss matters in real time. That is,
if you and some of your colleagues wish to discuss an issue- simply agree on
a time and go to the chat room. Chat rooms are generally scorned by some-
but they can be an excellent way to hash out ideas without the delay
encountered in mail.

If you wish to visit the web page and check out the chat facilities (or
should we call it the "faculty lounge")- then just go to the web site listed
in my sig.

Again, I am not advertising for anyone or making anything myself from this
(I wish!!!!)- but I simply wanted to offer the real time chat service to any
interested lister.

And I apologize for any cross postings.




Jim West, ThD
Quartz Hill School of Theology
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