Re: Keeping up with NT Greek after class

From: Jonathan Ryder (
Date: Fri May 21 1999 - 05:01:59 EDT


2 or 3 suggestions for resources (other listers please comment if you've used these):

Along the lines of Kubo, mentioned in a previous post is a book called 'Reading New
Testament Greek by Scott, Dean, Sparks, Lazar. This is useful because it combines a
sort of Metzger with a sort of 'Kubo', ie the first part of the book is word lists in
decreasing frequency down to all words that occur 10x (pp5-45). The second part of
the book lists by chapter all the words that occur less than 10x, giving the form as
it appears in the text as well as the dictionary form for those words that might be
hard to spot.

A well known help to reading is Zerwick and Grosvenor 'Grammatical Analysis of the
Greek New Testament' which gves parses and gives meaning for every word (bar where
the parsing is obvious) that occurs less than 50x (these are listed at the front) and
also gives explanations for unusual phrases and tricky syntax etc. You'll find that
even a lot of academics have a Zerwick and Grosvenor handy when reveiwing a text that
they haven't read for a while.

A similar work is Roger and Rogers (revision of Reinecke and Rogers) New Exegetical
Key. I've not used this but believe it has more exegetical discussion than ZG with
reference to lots of secondary literature - ie standard reference works,
commentaries, and even seminal articles, as well as parsing and lexical info. I'm
under the impression, although others may want to correct me, that RR is more lexical
than ZG which is more grammatical.

For that weekly vocabularly burst (as recommended by a previous poster) I can
recommend a freeware flashcard program called Quickmem Greek available to download
from, which is basically Metzger on flashcard on your PC. There
are other free/shareware programs out there which can help eg Wordbase
( - includes grammar), teknia language tools
( - although I haven't been able to get this to work - can anybody
help) and Greekpro from (or org?). I've found quickmem the easiest
and most reliable. There is a sister program called quickmem which allows you to make
your own flashcards for anything!

Back to work!

Jonathan Ryder


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