Re: Handbook of Greek and Latin alaeography

From: Maurice A. O'Sullivan (
Date: Thu Jun 17 1999 - 06:37:58 EDT

At 14:14 09/06/99 +0100, I wrote:
>At 08:26 09/06/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>Does anyone have the number to the publisher so inquiries can be made
>Their e-mail address is:
>and I've already written to them -- perhaps a volume of enquiries will
>stimulate someone?

Good news, folks.

I have just received this message from the publishers:

Thank you for your e-mail. The book, has been and is available at $20 + $4
= $24 with shipping. We will have to ask Amazon.Com to correct their
records. You may order directly from us and pay by credit card or check
drawn on a US bank paid in US dollars. Our current address is 7406 N
Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626.

The details, provided originally by Edgar Krenz, are:
[E.M.Thompson] A Handbook of Greek
and Latin Palaeography (1893)104-106. (ISBN 0-89005-094-5). It's been
reprinted by Ares Publishers Inc.
                                7020 N. Western Ave.
                                Chicago, IL 60645

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