Re: PEIRASMOS - the meaning of the word

From: Jeffrey B. Gibson (
Date: Thu Jun 17 1999 - 13:50:37 EDT

Dmitriy Reznik wrote:

> Dear friends,
> Could you please help me to understand the usage of PEIRASMOS (and
> PEIRAZW)in James? In Ja 1:1-2 and 1:12 it seems to be a positive thing and
> is usually translated as "trial". But in Ja 1:13-14 it becomes something
> bad and is translated as "temptation". How can it be that the same word in
> the same context has different meanings and is translated with different
> words?


This question has come up before on B-Greek (indeed, it was raised by yours truly)
and had a pretty thorough airing. In stead of rehashing all of this now, let me point
you to where you can find what has gone before in the archives:

Go to: I

Incidentally, wonder how many of you in B-Greek land, when seeing this, were
wondering/wagering (either in either anticipation or in dread!) how quickly I'd jump
on this one?



Jeffrey B. Gibson
7423 N. Sheridan Road #2A
Chicago, Illinois 60626

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