
From: George Goolde (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 13:00:21 EDT

Carl and others,

The "gun" was loaded with <G> <G> <G> and just a bit of tongue in cheek!

Your reply was well stated and I, for the record, will joyfully comply with
the rules of the list, to avoid matters theological and hermeneutical. I
was merely offering some "balance," at least from the perspective of those
of us who are Biblically driven. As I have communicated to you privately,
for SOME of us there is no other purpose in the study of Greek than the
interpretation and application of the Bible itself, which is, of course,
inseparably linked with hermeneutics and theology.

But all that is not intended in any way to discredit or in any way bash
those of you who have a natural love for Homer, classical Greek, et al. I
respect that. My statement was worded a bit clumsily as Clay noticed. Of
course, those who read Homer must interpret. They MAY be free from
compulsion to construct a "doctrine of Homer," something we Bible thumpers
seem bound to do (Biblical doctrine, not Homeric).

Carl, I appreciate your breadth in teaching both kinds of students, those
focused singularly on the Bible text and those more broad in their
classical aspirations. And I do take to heart your counsel that we Bible
thumpers would find our competence enhanced and our understanding improved
by paying SOME attention to Greek literary and grammatical traditions
outside the confines of the Greek Bible. AMEN!

Neo-orthodoxy not withstanding, I was pleading only for a balance between
the "B" and the "Greek." And I have no intention of "using" B-Greek as a
front to raise theological issues.

Well said, Carl. Keep on keeping on!


George A. Goolde
Professor, Bible & Theology
Southern California Bible College & Seminary

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