Re: A change in administration of the List

From: Carlton Winbery (
Date: Mon Aug 23 1999 - 20:21:34 EDT

I wrote this earlier but our server delayed its departure.

Larry Swain wrote;

>How can one be brief? Over the years that I've been a part of this list I
>learned so much from Edward Hobbs, not only about Greek language,Classics,
>but about being a good human being. Would that it were possible to express my
>gratitude to you in a more proper and tangible way.

We are all indebted to Edward for the benefits we receive on this list. I
greatly appreciate his way of drawing from each of us our best thinking and
making us all feel welcome in this circle. I want to tell him so face to
face in Boston. I already have my plane ticket and hotel reservation.

>Carlton, as Carl mentioned, is a worthy successor and has my full hearted
>Glad to have you aboard as Co-Chair Carlton!
I do not feel worthy, but I pray that I can help the list to endure as an
effective tool for the study of the Greek NT. I am not much of an
innovator. I like to plow where others have plowed before (fewer roots and
stumps you know). So I hope there is a contribution that I can make for the
sake of the study of the GNT. I look forward to working with Carl and
Jonathan. I long to meet them, perhaps in Boston?

Dr. Carlton L. Winbery
Foggleman Professor of Religion
Louisiana College
Ph. 1 318 448 6103 hm
Ph. 1 318 487 7241 off

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