Re: 1 Clem. 1:1

From: Jim West (
Date: Thu Sep 23 1999 - 16:45:26 EDT

At 04:00 PM 9/23/99 -0400, you wrote:
> For 1 Clem. 1:1, hH ECCLHSIA TOU QEOU hH PAROIKOUSA RWMHN, what do
>y'all (as we say down here) think of "The church of God that resides as a
>foreigner in Rome"? I'm trying to come up with something that carries the
>right nuance for PAROIKOUSA ("sojourn" or "dwell" or even "temporarily
>dwells" don't quite cut it, though I like the last option best among the

I suppose your rendering is ok-- but to me "resides as foreigner" is really
saying too much. I know this is what the word "can" mean, but I dont think
Clement is being so wooden. "the church of God which exists in Rome" or
even better, "the church of God which is in Rome", or best of all, "the
church of God at home in Rome" gets the gist without overextending the meaning.



Jim West, ThD
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