Re: Matt 19:9

From: Steve Puluka (
Date: Mon Oct 04 1999 - 06:12:53 EDT

<x-flowed>>From: Carlton Winbery <>

>I would agree with Paul that the case of a wife who has committed adultery
>is simply excluded from this statement. That seems the most natural way to
>take the reading. MH EPI PORNEIA simply that the case of PORNEIA is
>excluded. A large number of scribes came to this conclusion also. In the
>footnotes of N-A27 B, fam 1, Bohairic Coptic, D, Fam 13, 33, the old Latin,
>Sahidic, Mid. Egyptian, plus some other mss introduced the word PAREKTOS
>into the reading. Someone needs to check and see if this reading was in the
>Stephanus text and the text behind the KJV. What led the KJV to read this
>as Escept could have been a different text.

The Jerusalem Bible renders this verse:

Now I say this to you: the man who divorces his wife-- I am not speaking of
fornication -- and marries another, is guilty of adultery.

Does this capture the sense of exclusion you are speaking of here? I have
to admit that I am having troubling understanding the practical difference
between exclusion and except. Could you elaborate on the distinction?

Steve Puluka
Adult Education Instructor
Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh

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