Re: John 12:7

From: Blahoslav Cicel (
Date: Tue Dec 07 1999 - 05:12:57 EST

To Gary S. Dykes:

I'm just a poor boy... I admit that I don't understand the TC. But my question
is very pragmatic. What makes the difference different? Or what is the
difference in the message? If it has a different application or even
theological implication, it is worth to be discussed (of course with all the
respect). But if there is no real difference in theology... Read once again Jim
West's comments.

The message is the contrast between the approach of the Disciples (esp. Judas)
and the woman. And Wieland Willker asked only for help with understanding
better to the text. So any comments to the two possilbilities are welcome. But
the comments on "mss flavours" are in this case IMHO irrelevant.

Blaho, pastor
Church of Brothers, Most, Czech rep.

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