Re: "Why Study Greek" expanded

From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Sat Dec 11 1999 - 22:58:46 EST

<x-flowed>To: George Goolde,

<< It occurred to me that my previous answer was to brief and not explicit.
Jim West must be rubbing off on me <G>! >>

Some might begin to wonder what the two of you were doing rubbing together
in the first place. But, hey, I say, each to their own! (It's really none
of my business.)

<< To *rely* on commentaries is to pass the buck in the matter of
interpreting the Word of God for yourself. I would understand that to be
disobeying 2 Tim 2:15. >>

Wow! Those are pretty strong words. I don't know what my illiterate
grandfather would have thought about this. Although he was generally
consider to be a godly man -- well now, come to think about it, he didn't
rely much on commentaries!

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
Disclaimer: "I'm just a simple house-husband (with no post-grad degree),
what do I know?"

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