RE: Hades, Tartarus, Gehenna all rendered "hell"--Loyal translation?

From: Bill Ross (
Date: Thu Dec 30 1999 - 11:40:22 EST

True...but it seems the choices of the translator are:

1. Use an English word that mirrors each of the above words in meaning.
These words do not exist.
2. Transliterate the words. This is not really translation.
3. Use the word "Hell", but include a footnote to indicate the original
word. This does bring it into English, but the footnote is essential to
grasp the original meaning.
4. Include some form of footnote that contains plenty of commentary. This
can be used to supplement either 2 or 3. It is not really translation, but
the imagery behind each of these words is rich, and goes beyond what we can
convey with a single word.

Hades, Sheol, Gehenna and Tarturus are all proper names and as such can be
transliterated just like all of the other proper names. The footnotes, then,
are not essential for consistency with the transliteration of proper names,
but would be particularly welcome in this situation.

At any rate, "translating" to the word "Hell" for all of those different
words, with no footnote, is grossly irresponsible as far as I'm concerned.

Bill Ross

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