Re: Off-topic: Tischendorf apparat

From: Roe (
Date: Thu Jan 06 2000 - 17:47:14 EST

clayton stirling bartholomew schrieb:

> Steve,
> How difficult have you found the apparatus to use? Looked a little
> cryptic to me. Makes NA27 seem user friendly by comparison. I suspect
> that someone would need to learn nearly the entire Latin technical
> vocabulary for NT textural criticism before they could make much use of
> it.

Hi Clay and B-Greeks,

(As I mention below, I was able to contact the reprinter of
Tischendorf's 8th Ed. Critica Maior from whom Stephen Carlson obtained
his copy.)

Robert Waltz's website "Encyclopedia of New Testament Textual Criticism"
compares the apparatus(es) of most critical editions.

How accurate his info is I cannot judge. This is the example he
illustrates for Tischendorf's apparatus (Gal 1:4) [all brackets in this
post are mine]:

PERI cum [Aleph]* ADEFGKLP al 50 fere ["for the most part (in)"??]
syr-p Or-1,238 etc ... [TR](= Gb Sz) UPER cum [Aleph]c B 17. 67** al
sat mu ["adequately mentioned (in)"?!?] Ign-intpol314 al

Waltz says about the above apparatus sample:

"This translates as PERI, the reading of Tischendorf's text (read also
by the uncited editions, i.e. Lachmann and Tischendorf7) is supported by
the uncials [Aleph]* A D E(=Dabs) F G K L P and about fifty other
witnesses plus the Harklean Syriac (syr-p) and the cited text of Origen.
The variant UPER is supported by the Textus Receptus [TR] and the
editions of Griesbach and Scholz; by [Aleph]c, B, 17 (=33), 67**
(=424c), by many other Greek witnesses, and by the cited text of

Latin "al" (alii) we find in NA27; "cum" ("in, among, with, etc) is easy
enough here; "fere" and "sat mu"(??), on the other hand give me trouble,
but I would think (hope) that the apparatus would contain a limited
number of terms which could be determined with a Latin dictionary or
deductively by comparing the apparatus to others.

Waltz notes that Tischendorf's label "syr-p" is the Harklean version,
not the Peshitta. Tischendorf's labeling system could be resolved with
conversion tables. Waltz has such a table at:

Whether there remain variations in Tischendorf's labeling of the
versions (as with the Harklean Syriac and the Peshitta) I don't know. If
so, a conversion list should also be available for that somewhere...

Thanks to Stephen Carlson for relaying his Tischendorf-source address to
me after someone sent it to him:

Good Books
2456 Devonshire Road
Springfield, IL 62703

The catalog book store does not seem to have a phone number listed. I
was able to contact the owner, but am hesitant to give his number, as it
might be his home phone... I guess I could give clues though. <g> I
found the owner's name at the Reformed Book Distributors website (4/5 of
the way down):

And then there's always (217) 555-1212... (Sorry to be so complicated!
He seemed surprised that I found his number -- and I couldn't remember
at that moment where I had found it...) Please don't go disturbing him
outside of normal business hours... (Or write, if you're in no hurry.)
He is sending me a catalog which he says contains some 400 items.

The 3-volume reprint of Tischendorf's 8th Ed. Critica Maior costs $150.
I was told that one "must" buy the whole 3-volume set. I suppose
Gregory's Prolegomena could be donated to a Latin student; or one could
learn Latin, as Edward Hobbs recommended, and then learn German for the
comments in Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus...

Shipping is "10 percent in the U.S., 15 percent abroad."

With hopes to have helped, and at the same time apologies for the
off-limit nature of this posting,


D. W. Roe
Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

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