Use of PARQENOS ca 3rd Century BCE

From: Will Pratt (
Date: Sun Feb 06 2000 - 00:11:18 EST

I would appreciate any information someone could provide me regarding
the use of PARQENOS around the time of the Septuagint translation of
the Hebrew scriptures. Was its use predominantly equivalent to
English "virgin" or more in the sense of a young woman, probably a
virgin given customs, but not necessarily so? In the Septuagint,
although related words (PARQEN___) were almost entirely restricted to
the transliteration of Hebrew B:TW.LAH, virgin in the strict sense,
PARQENOS is used about a third of the time to translate (AL:MAH or
NA(:ARAH, both meaning approximately "young woman" without necessary
implication of virginity.

Thank You,


William L. Pratt

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