From: Steven Craig Miller (
Date: Wed Feb 23 2000 - 21:26:00 EST

<x-flowed>To: Joe A. Friberg,

<< What John calls LOGOS *refers to* the preincarnate Christ ... >>

That is a theological assertion. No where does John use the phrase
"preincarnate Christ." In fact, the Johannine gospel makes it very clear
that John's LOGOS is not Jesus. According to the Johannine Gospel, Jesus says:

"I do know him and I keep his word" (Jn 8:55c NRSV).

The Johannine Jesus does NOT say: "I do know him and I am his logos",
rather here God's LOGOS is clearly distinct from Jesus himself. According
to the Johannine Gospel, Jesus says:

"Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; and the word that you
hear is not mine, but is from the Father who sent me" (Jn 14:24 NRSV).

The Johannine Jesus does NOT say: "Whoever does not love me does not keep
myself the logos; and the logos that you hear is myself, who is sent from
the Father", rather here God's LOGOS is clearly distinct from Jesus
himself. According to the Johannine Gospel, Jesus says:

"I have given them your word" (Jn 17:14a NRSV).

The Johannine Jesus does NOT say: "I have given them myself, your logos",
rather here God's LOGOS is clearly distinct from Jesus himself.

Repeatedly, the Johannine gospel makes it clear that God's LOGOS is not Jesus.

-Steven Craig Miller
Alton, Illinois (USA)
FWIW: I'm neither a clergy-person, nor an academic (and I have no post-grad

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