From: Daniel Riaño (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 05:17:31 EST

<x-flowed iso-8859-1> To sum up (an to clarify): ARSEN- preserves the original
*-RS-, ARREN- is the attic form. Most derivates of A)/RSHN are late
(like this one). Names of actors in -THS are masculine (there is a
little group of feminine nouns in -TH but those are nomina actionis).
The first instances of this word are 1Ep.Cor.6.9 and 1Tim 1.9 (AP
9.686 has been mentioned, but this epigram belongs to the IX Century
p.C.n). Outside the testimonies of the TLG D, DGE mentions Bardesanes
3.25 (II -III p.C.n.). All the testimonies appear to belong to
Christian literature, and its use is always derogatory. The alleged
testimony of Orac.Syb.2.73 is to the verb A)RSENOKOITE/W, not to the
noun. DGE translates "sodomita, homosexual". In addition to Stephen
Carlson's on-line article "Boswell's Analysis of Arsenokoiths" RBLG mentions
the following articles re: ARSENOKOITHS (non vidi):

Wright, D.F. "Homosexuals or prostitutes? The meaning of
a)rsenokoitai= (1Cor.6:9, 1Tim 1:10)." VChr. 38 (1984): 125-153.
(mentioned in Carlson's article)
Petersen, W.L. "Can a)rsenokoitai= be translated by 'homosexuals'
(1Cor.6:9, 1Tim 1:10)." VChr. 40 (1986): 187-181.

        I don't have access now to the following article, also
mentioned in RBLG s.v. A)RSENOKOITE/W:

Panayiotou, G. "Addenda to the LSJ Greek-English Lexicon:
lexicographical notes on the vocabulary of the Oracula Sybillina."
Hellenica 38, no. 1 (1987): 46-66.

Best regards,

Daniel (waiting for the TLG E to arrive...)

Daniel RiaÒo Rufilanchas
Madrid, EspaÒa

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