Re: hOUTWS Jn3.16 "In this way"

From: Joseph A. Weaks (
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 16:41:12 EST

<x-flowed>At 8:35 AM -0600 4/1/00, Carl W. Conrad wrote:
>Technically speaking it is true that hOUTWS is the adverb for
>hOUTOS/hAUTH/TOUTO and means "thus" or "so" or "in this manner."
>...I think that what puzzles me most about this insistence that hOUTWS in this
>instance is devoid of any implication of extent
>...I still think that in John 3:16 the distinction between quality
>and quantity has become moot, and that to insist on it is tantamount
>to making a molehill out of a mountain.

All true, except for one thing. My emphasis (not so much an
"insistence") is not merely academic. The majority of church members
ONLY hear John 3:16 taken out of context. I'd say that 90% of the
folks in the 4 churches I've served have ONLY understood the hWSTE as
a Result Clause of the intensive extent of hOUTWS (ie. God sending
God's son is a result of how much God loved us). The context of the
analogy with Moses does make clear that there is at least some
emphasis on a correlative "in this way" (even if only 60%/40%). So,
as an interpreter, and as their pastor, it is my vocation to give
voice to this forgotten aspect.
Let me suggest that for me to do so is an attempt to bring the
congregation closer to an authentic reading of a text, rather than
"making a molehill out of a mountain."

Thanks for the responses,

+ Rev. Joseph A. Weaks
+ Pastor, Bethany Christian Church, Dallas
+ Ph.D. Student in Biblical Studies, Brite Divinity
+ Minister of the Word

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