From: Harold R. Holmyard III (
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 08:37:09 EDT

Yesterday Kevin Smith asked what TLG was. Here is a post that someone
recently made to b-greek about TLG; perhaps it was Stephen C. Carlson:

The TLG (the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae) D Disk is a search able CD which
contain about 95% of all extant Greek literary texts from 8BCE up though at
least 6CE.

The E Disk (with just about everything else of the Greek literary corpus)
is about to be released.

For more info, go to the TLG's web site at:

The E disk HAS been released; our department made the exchange of D for E
by overnight mail two weeks ago. I don't know that I would make the claim
that "just about everything else of the Greek literary corpus" is on the E
disk, however. The TLG web site does have a listing of what's on it and of
what was on the D disk. I note for instance that a lot more of Origen is on
E than was on D, but my guess is that a good deal of the Greek patristic
corpus is absent still from this corpus. Perhaps the question is what one
is ready to call "literary." I do think that a search of the E disk for
vocabulary and usage would yield significant results, but I'd be leery of
overstating the case for exhaustive completeness. The decipherment of
papyri as they come to light is a slow and difficult process and the
publication of what's literary in them may be decades behind the awareness
that one has a literary text (albeit fragmentary) in hand. I really don't
mean at all to say Jeffrey's wrong here, but only to hold out a caveat
against the illusion or delusion of "thoroughness."

                                        Harold Holmyard

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