Re: Rom 12 19

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Sat May 06 2000 - 15:11:57 EDT

on 05/06/00 9:56 AM, wrote:

> I am disinclined to supply words clearly not in the text nor part of a known
> idiom or citation.

I took a look in whatever* was close at hand to see if any scholar in my
library would NOT read THi ORGHi in Rom. 12:19 as the wrath of God. I failed
to find a single dissenting voice. These scholars* represent a broad
spectrum of ecclesiastical and theological perspective.

Based on Pauline usage of hH ORGH without further specification in Rom. 5:9
(this is the best example) as well as Rom. 3:5, 9:22 and 1Thess. 2:16 we can
without difficulty conclude that Paul simply did not need to fully specify
THi ORGHi in this context.

According to J. Murray (NICNT, 1959) the only possible exception to this
pattern is Rom. 13:5. I took a look at Rom. 13:1-5 and THN ORGHN in 13:5
does not look like an exception to me but I have not given it a lot of time
so I will take Murray's word for it that there is some room for doubt here.

What makes all of these scholars* agree that THi ORGHi in Rom. 12:19 is the
wrath of God? Primarily it is the immediately following use of Deut. 32:35
in Paul's argument.

Clayton Stirling Bartholomew
Three Tree Point
P.O. Box 255 Seahurst WA 98062

*C.E.B. Cranfield, Sandy & Hedlam, F. Godet, H.A.W. Meyer, J. Murray,
L. Morris, C. Hodge, H. Alford and a few others.

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