Re: Greek software

From: Penner (
Date: Fri May 12 2000 - 20:12:47 EDT

> I would like to find software that will allow me to create quizzes for NT
> Greek vocabulary. I want to create random lists of words for various
> frequencies that I choose. I have Teknia, Greek Tutor by Parsons, and
> Memcards. I don't think any of them will allow me to do this. Any
> suggestions appreciated.

I produce Flash!, which tests vocabulary like Flashworks and Memcards: by
showing the foreign-language word, then showing the English word, and asking
whether you got it right or not.

Flash! comes in two versions:

Lite - comes with:
 Greek keyed to NT frequency lists down to 10x for free,
with the following extra-cost data sets:
Greek keyed to Mounce's textbook,
Hebrew keyed to Seow's 1st or 2nd edition textbook,
Latin keyed to Wheelock's or Collins' textbook.

Pro 2000 - in development. Beta so far has:

Greek NT complete vocabulary list (yes, EVERY word in the NT),
Aramaic complete MT vocabulary, keyed to Biblical chapter or Greenspahn's
Hebrew down to frequency of 30x.
The final version will have:
complete biblical Hebrew vocabulary,
Hebrew keyed to Seow's 1st & 2nd edition textbooks,
Aramaic keyed to Johns' textbook,
Latin keyed to Wheelock's and Collins' textbooks,

The best part about Flash! Pro 2000: The degree of flexibility with which
you can specify which card you want to drill.
For example, I can specify that I want to drill all words which occur in
Acts 1:1 to 5:42 with a frequency of over 10x which I have not got right in
the last week except those cards which I have got right more than 90% of the

Or, say you're preparing for a translation quiz on the book of James, but
you're only responsible for words which occur over 30x. You can get it bring
up all and only those words, and further specify to bring up only those
words you're having the most trouble memorizing. I developed these features
for last term's Acts class, where we where had to learn all the vocabulary
of Acts (over 2000 words), and were quizzed bi-weekly. When will Flash! Pro
2000 be ready? I'm aiming for September.

Ken Penner
Grad student
McMaster University
Hamilton, Canada
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