Re: Subject Assignment - Semantic Functional Hierarchy

From: clayton stirling bartholomew (
Date: Thu May 25 2000 - 17:20:31 EDT

on 05/25/00 7:55 AM, Mark Beatty wrote:

> Could you provide some examples of the "syntactic subject" being
> assigned to the agent and/or the goal?


This semantic functional schema is part of a body of theory which is
somewhat difficult to assimilate from a few examples. Bits and pieces of
this theory can be found in works such as R. Young's Intermediate Greek
Grammar or S.E. Porter's Idioms, but these authors do not explain the
theory. They just use it and assume you already understand it.

This is why I posted the disclaimer up front.

To really grasp the essentials of the theory you need to read Simon Dik or
someone else who expounds it in detail. There are no short cuts available. I
have tried all the short cuts myself.


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