Just Beginning: What do I do next?

From: Linda L. Monroe (lmonroe@fclaw.com)
Date: Fri Jun 02 2000 - 14:48:43 EDT

I have just reviewed and thoroughly enjoyed reading everything about how to
learn about Greek. Can someone tell me how to get started? Or do I just
go to the sources to obtain my reading material? I really want to learn
because it would be of great help and assistance in reading my Bible. Also,
another reason why I want to learn Greek is in my Sunday School class at
the church I attend, we are studying how the the "Word" (the Bible)
originated and it has come up some words what they were originally in
Greek. So you see, I really want to learn. I understand that it is not
easy, but learning more about the original Greek would enlighten me as I
get deeper into the study of God's Word. Any help anyone can give would be
of great assistance.

Thank you and God bless everyone for their efforts.

Linda L. Monroe

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