Re: hHGEOMAI - 'esteem' without attributive

From: Carl W. Conrad (
Date: Sun Jun 04 2000 - 17:58:57 EDT

At 2:21 PM +0200 6/4/00, Roe wrote:
>Hi Carl,
>Accepting your opinion that hHGEOMAI alone has a sense of "to deem"
>rather than "to esteem", I had written:
>> >But without a predicate or other modifying word, it seems
>> >that this would make no more sense than:
> [...]
>> >"Remember those who were deemed by you..."
>To which you responded:
>> hHGEOMAI is a middle-voice word and I don't think you'll
>> ever find it bearing a passive sense (but I'm currently in
>> Missouri and waiting to be shown!).
>What about (per Perseus) in Herodotus' Histories (3.14.6):
>(...and perceived that his son was being led out to die,)
>If it can be used in the passive sense of "being led" why not of "being

Interesting, and I see this along with one other instance of a pf. pass.
ptc., although it's noteworthy that both are dialect forms hAGHMENA (Doric)
and hHGEOMENON (Ionic). I note also in LSJ(G) that the 2nd c. a.d.
grammarian Herodian says there was an active form for "lead" hHGEW. That
may be so, but there is no extant instance of it, and the normal usage for
"deem," "consider," "judge" is certainly regularly middle voice.

At any rate, I think every instance of the verb hHGEOMAI in the GNT (all 28
of them) is indeed middle voice.

>Though again, if, as you have mentioned, the word does not carry a sense
>of "esteeming" -- but instead of "deeming" -- then "being deemed"
>(without a modifying word) also would not work...



Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649

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