From: abilene (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2000 - 09:38:14 EDT

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<i>> I think that there really should be no difference between META (w/acc
+ time) and DIA</i>
<br><i>(w/gen +</i>
<br><i>> time).&nbsp; It seems that they are the same.&nbsp; Does anyone
have any other references for this</i>
<br><i>use of</i>
<br><i>> DIA?&nbsp; I would appreciate them.</i>
<br><i>> Jason</i>
<p><i>Perhaps 1 Tim 2:15 is a case in point. DIA THS TEKNOGONIAS seems
to be implying the curse</i>
<br><i>against Eve and that women will be saved 'after' they have experienced
this curse. That</i>
<br><i>is, women will be saved after they have gone through the Eve-curse
so long as they are</i>
<br><i>faithful, loving, holy and self-controlled. I don't think Paul is
stating that</i>
<br><i>childbearing is the agent of salvation.</i>
<p><i>Best regards,</i>
<br><i>GEORGE ATHAS</i>
<p>It seems important to distinguish DIA from META.
<br>Two days ago, sending a message for the first time, I forgot to indicate
the subject.
<br>The translatation from french is not very easy, and the explanation
seemed perhaps obscure
<br>Please, let me&nbsp; try again...
<p>DIA+ GEN = at the distance of , after an interval of,&nbsp; at the end
of -
Gal 2 , 1-2. " Then, at the end of fourteen years, I went up&nbsp; again
to Jerusalem...</dd>

and I went up by revelation"</dd>

<br>Paul came at Jerusalem&nbsp; in a sabbatical year,&nbsp; "at the end"of
fourteen years.
<br>Every seven year is a sabbatical year; so fourteen years means "two
sabbatical years later". In the Talmud, sabbatical years served for dating
the events.
<br>The conversion too was in a sabbatical year.14 years are counted from
OTE (Gal 1,15) and not from EPEITA META ETH TRIA (Gal1/21).
<p>In another Epistle Paul said:
<br>" I know a man in Christ from&nbsp; fourteen years ...&nbsp; such an
one caught up to the third heaven" 2 Co 12/2.
<br>A"man in Christ&nbsp; from&nbsp; fourteen years " means that&nbsp;
he had been baptized fourteen years ago.&nbsp; He received the baptism
just after his conversion => 2 Co 12.2 and Gal 2.1 indicate the same sabbatical
years. When he returned to Jerusalem with Barnabe he was bringing helps
for the community suffering from the famine which occurred in 48 ;&nbsp;
47-48 was a sabbatical year; conclusion the conversion of Paul succeeded
during the sabbatical year 33-34.
<br>is'it clear ? I hope it...
<p>Would the example&nbsp; in 1 Tm 2.15 with DIA present TEKNOGONIAS as
a curse ? The same appears in John 16,21 and Rev 12,4, whith a comparison
between birth and death (disappearance) . Quite the contrary in Luke where&nbsp;
birth is a joy (Lk 1.14,57etc).
<br>Sylva Abilene


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