[b-greek] Re: Words Classified By Roots

From: Daniel Riaño (danielrr@retemail.es)
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 10:58:20 EDT

<x-flowed>> The safe
>route is to simply avoid it entirely if you don't have the time to study a
>whole long list of technical and semi-technical works* on lexical semantics.

It is interesting to note in this regard that, in the discussion of
the word QEO/S of his (wonderful) *Greek religion*, Burkert does not
even mention etymology (see pp. 271-2; It would be reading *too* much
in pp. 112 to see any attempt to relate it with QEA=SQAI !!?) but
remits the reader to A.Brelich "Paides e Parthenoi", Rome 1969 (non
vidi) in addition to the main literature on the subject (Gallavotti,
Frisk); I was not able to consult the addenda included the last
eddition with supplement to the basic reference work for Greek
Etymology, Chantraine's Dictionnaire 'Etymologique; but in his
discussion of Chantraine's *QEO/S* (Lingua 1971, p. 170) Ruijgh's
does not opposes the interpretations given there. [FWIW Shiler's
Compartive Grammar... also considers the root unknown]

For anybody interested in "applied" etymology, it is a pleasure to
read how the scientific mind works with such data in the also
wonderful E. Benveniste "Le Vocabulaire des institutions
indo-europ'eenes" (1969) (There is a Spanish translation and, I
think, also another one into English), where, incidentally, the
relation of QEO/S with lat feriae is considered the most probable.

I'll take the opportunity to announce that a commented bibliography
on recent etymology work on the Greek lexicon is being prepared at
the DGE quarters in Madrid, and will hopefully appear as another
annex to the DGE (the same series where the RBLG appeared; I'll post
again when the work is to come, but that will take yet *considerable*

P.S. An up to date short list on basic lexical-Semantics!? Ufff!.
Some titles that immediately comes to the mind are the "classic"
Lyons "Semantics", Lakoff's "Women Fire and Dangerous Things", with
abundant bibliography [but note that it is a constant in Lakoff's
work (and others') that he *only* quotes works in English]; Langacker
"Foundations of Cognitive Grammar"; the second volume of F.R. Adrados
"Linguistica Estructural" Madrid, 2ed. 1974 (1980),; Less obvious but
slightly more updated the book I was reading now: Levin, Beth and
Pinker, Steven "Lexical and conceptual semantics" 1991 Amsterdam
(1995, Cambridge) [see pp. 153 ss!). Of a far more practical nature
and with immediate relevance for Greek lexicon, see F.R. Adrados "La
semántica en el Diccionario Griego-Español" in Actas del Congreso
Internacional de Semántica (in press, but you can read it now on line
at http://www.filol.csic.es/dge/bib/bib1.htm). It will take me some
time to compile one acceptable list, but I'll put hands to work ASAP
and I'll send it to the BGreek list so that it's members can compare
it with other lists from members more versated than myself in such
Daniel Riaño Rufilanchas
Madrid, España

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