[b-greek] Re: Principal Parts---PDF Files

From: Philip Graber (omc01091@mail.wvnet.edu)
Date: Mon Dec 11 2000 - 09:01:01 EST

Rodney J. Decker wrote:

> And one correction: the Mounce font *is* still available:
> <http://www.teknia.com/tekniasoftware/fonts/index.html>. The Mac
> version is a separate file; to get the Windows font I think you'll
> have to download one of Bill's programs, but get it you can. While
> you're there, you might also want to read Bill Mounce's comments
> regarding the "Standard Font Mapping Initiative" (linked at the above
> URL).

I'm not sure why this initiative is needed. There is already a standard
in Unicode. If everyone who wants to do their own font would use the
Unicode standard, they could feel free to write a little utility that
allows users of their font to key it any way they want. Silver Mountain
Software (the people who do Bible Windows) have created such a font and
such a utility that uses beta code keying to type Unicode. Many of us
are used to beta code (as, for example, in SMS's Sgreek font), but the
unicode font looks better than Sgreek (or most of the Bible software
fonts, in my opinion). If a standard such as Unicode is used, that
gives us the freedom to change fonts in documents for Greek text as
easily as we do for other text without having to worry about different
mappings. Why doesn't Mounce do this? Why invent yet another standard?

Philip Graber
Ronceverte, West Virginia USA

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