[b-greek] Re: John 21 - the significance of the OTHER synonyms (per AGAPAO/PHILEO)

From: Steve Godfrey (sgodfrey@irk.ru)
Date: Sat Jan 06 2001 - 17:48:04 EST

Dear Steven,

I by no means take your comments personally. First, I know that I risk
becoming a lightning rod by bringing up a previous discussion topic that
seems to have exasperated all comers. Second, I like you am very
concerned about sound exegesis and interpretation.

I don't think my two statements are contradictory (when quoted in full).
I grant that my interpretation contains subjective elements. That is what
makes literature more complex than mere induction. In short, I believe
that while exegesis is indeed a science, it is also an art.

Is my position falsifiable? No, not directly. But indirectly, most
definitely - by an interpretation that explains more of the facts than
mine does. The facts are that there are four pairs of synonyms in this
passage. I doubt very much they are there merely to protect the reader
from boredom.

My last point is sermonizing, granted, but it seems to me there should be
some room for this even on a Greek exegesis discussion list. If we forbid
ourselves the attempt to move from exegesis to wisdom, we lose the
holistic orientation of the biblical world view, as well as the ability to
help others with what we labor so hard to understand.

With respect,

Steve Godfrey
Irkutsk, Siberia

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