[b-greek] Re: Jn 13:10; NIYASQAI

From: Carlton Winbery (winberyc@speedgate.net)
Date: Mon Jan 22 2001 - 17:25:32 EST

Carl Conrad wrote;

>GOD FORBID there should be anything such as a "divine middle"! ("Pfuah
>Gott in Himmel" as they used to say in Bavaria).

Should that not be PTUW!

I agree also with your last post about the "predicate position" and
"attributive position." I possess at least a dozen grammars that use that
terminology. It seems very usefull to me for describing word order in
adjectives and PAS/PASA/PAN is an adjective albeit one with slightly
different functions. I have used this terminologhy since the mid fifties
with no real confusion about PAS. I can also understand Iver's discription
of the use of PAS, but it certainly seems confusing to me to bring in the
terminology of apposition. Where an adjective functions as a noun, I can
see apposition but it seems very unnecessary in relation to PAS.

Carlton L. Winbery
Fogleman Prof. of Religion
Louisiana College Box 612
Pineville, LA 71359
Phones 318 487 7241, Home 318 448 6103

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