[b-greek] Re: dangling dative...

From: Carl W. Conrad (cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu)
Date: Tue Jan 23 2001 - 20:13:27 EST

At 12:05 PM -0500 1/23/01, . callee wrote:
>This is my first post, so please excuse any oddities. I'm wondering
>if any of you can help me out with a real basic question. In Gal
>2:20 there seems to be an extra article that I am not sure what to do

>with. In the second half of the verse, we have a nice little chiasm,
>verb, prep. phrase, prep. phrase, verb (zw en sarki en pistei zw),
>which is sensibly followed by an instrumental genative, (tou uiou tou
>theou) In between however, is this odd dative article. It seems to
>be attached to nothing, there is not even a suitable noun preceeding
>it that it could be referring to as a pronoun (and even if it was,
>how would we translate that in light of the genative?). In short, I
>cannot see what to do with this. Any ideas?
>Ryan Wettlaufer
>South-Hamilton, MA.


If you've been following the discussion about "predicate position" and
"attributive position" and have been able to make any sense of it, the
argument about "attributive position" applies here: everything following
THi is made an attribute of PISTEI by it; I have argued, though others
aren't very comfortable with it (in fact, they don't like it at all!) that
the easiest way to understand the entire phrase following that THi is to
consider it as appositional to PISTEI; that way we get: "I live by faith,
(namely) the faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself up for

Some would prefer to say "faith IN the son of God who ..." but that gets
into a further question that has been discussed previously and will no
doubt be discussed again: whether TOU hUIOU is a subjective genitive or an
objective genitive with PISTEI--but quite frankly, I don't think that's a
question that can be resolved in terms of this text: either is possible.


Carl W. Conrad
Department of Classics/Washington University
One Brookings Drive/St. Louis, MO, USA 63130/(314) 935-4018
Home: 7222 Colgate Ave./St. Louis, MO 63130/(314) 726-5649
WWW: http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~cwconrad/

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