[b-greek] Re: Noun Accenting

From: Stephen C. Carlson (scarlson@mindspring.com)
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 20:07:01 EST

At 02:09 PM 2/6/01 -0500, Matthew Ooten wrote:
>My question is this...in the case of a noun, is the ultima..."pi, omicron,
>sigma" ( pos) long or short? He says that the ultima is long, but this
>confuses me drastically. Can anyone help? I'm just trying to grasp the
>accenting rules before I attempt to move on to any more difficult.

I think it would be helpful to quote the sentence in which Mahen
allegedly said that "-POS" is long. Otherwise, I would have a
hard time figuring out why anyone would claim that a final -POS
is long for accenting purposes.

Stephen Carlson
Stephen C. Carlson mailto:scarlson@mindspring.com
Synoptic Problem Home Page http://www.mindspring.com/~scarlson/synopt/
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