[b-greek] Metaphysics 983b11

From: John Lupia (jlupia2@excite.com)
Date: Wed May 16 2001 - 01:33:33 EDT


TON ONTON is a discussion on "the first principle element" by Aristotle
that signifies the primordial element which in his theory as well as
Anaximander's meant "the first principle and cause of all things
(creation)". This concept is well known in Aristotelian or Peripatetic
literature. Aristotle also postulated the idea of God as the unmoved mover.
Aristotle also criticized Plato, Timaeus, and asserted the eternity of the
physical world which was also advocated by St. Thomas Aquinas. I realize
this all cut across the grain of contemporary thought hooked on the Big Bang
Theory. However, you should also realize that Alfven, a Noble Peace prize
winner in Physics also advocates an eternal universe that is infinite, but
we hear little or nothing of this in the popular literature. I am not
wishing to engage in theology here but to shed light on ancient theory and
the Greek word formulae they used to express these ideas. I believe that
these same Greek ideas were part of Hellenistic Jewish thinking and St. John
saw the value in borrowing them to express the Jewish concept of creation.
The Jewish idea is that God spoke the eternal word from which all things
come. Joh 1,1 expresses this as I have shown "The first principle and cause
of all things (creation) was the Word. This same idea I believe is shown
here in Apoc 3,14. I really have no more to say on this, you either agree
(seeing what I am saying) or you don't. As always best wishes.


John N. Lupia
501 North Avenue B-1
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208-1731 USA

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