[b-greek] request for assistance

From: jwest@highland.net
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 15:32:38 EDT

List participants,

I am in the process of attempting to make the Biblical Studies Resources web
site even more useful- especially for college and graduate school students who
will no doubt be turning more and more to online resources for class projects,
collections of materials, and general studies purposes.

I have, then, to ask for your assistance.

if you know of a web address that should be included, please be so kind as to
pass that along to me. I would like to have the BSR site thoroughly updated
before the summer is over and the new semester has begun.

My ongoing effort is to provide information useful to all areas of biblical
studies and not merely one area (like websites devoted to the new testament or
the gospels or luke, or hebrew or greek, etc.) As useful and as excellent as
those sites are, they are highly specialized. My interest is to provide a
resource covering the whole of the Biblical text as well as the ancillary
disciplines (like archaeology, linguistics, etc).

Also- if you make reference to web sites in your own classes I would be honored
if you would mention mine to your students. Also pass on to them the same
request I make of you now- that is- to send any web addresses thought useful
(from a scholarly perspective rather than a devotional one).

My site is at

Your comments are greatly appreciated.




Jim West, ThD

Adjunct Professor of Bible, Quartz Hill School of Theology
Adjunct Professor of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Hudson College

Biblical Studies Resources

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