[b-greek] Re: Grammatical categories and Luke 6:12b

From: Alan B. Thomas (a_b_thomas@yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Jul 24 2001 - 15:08:53 EDT

I think the problem really is the lack of reading
that Greek students do. I have found Carlton's and
Carl's statements quite insightful and accurate.

It seems that some are looking for short-cuts. Those
who look for laundry lists are approaching Greek the
wrong way, IMO. We all fall into that mode I suspect.
We would rather read a grammar or ask a scholar than
see it for ourselves. In the end, there really is no
royal road to learning Greek.

The only way to learn which Gen. best fits a context
is to have read hundreds/thousands of other Greek
contexts. Perhaps the best thing we could all do is
throw away our grammars and learn Greek the old
fashion way... read, read, read, read.

After all, that is what grammars are doing: looking at
other contexts in which the same or similar
construction appears. Why take their word for it....
it's all there for us to read (learn).


Alan B. Thomas

"There may be no way out, but there
is always a way up."

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