[b-greek] Technology and teaching Greek

From: Bill and Stephanie Black (bnsblack@yimesgin.org)
Date: Sun Aug 26 2001 - 00:24:10 EDT

Joe Weaks wrote,

> On a related note. I am teaching Intro this semester in our new
> technology room at Brite Divinity School, and am making full use of
> it (document scanner, litho IR whiteboard, built in video/audio, and
> a G4 server computer with projector).
> 1. Are there others teaching Greek "in this century", so to speak?

My first thought in response to this was, 'Hello, are there others teaching
Greek "on this planet", so to speak--that is, where most of God's people
actually live?' Here in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I forgot on Thursday to pick
up my allotment of chalk from the college office, and so found myself
diagramming sentences for my students in the air with my finger.

However, I realize Joe meant nothing but good, and even here we have a bit
of technology to take advantage of, with more arriving all the time. If you
have something I can run through my laptop to a TV/VCR in class, sure, I'd
like to see it. I think, as you say, the students would find it engaging.
Especially (this is the catch) if it will make the transfer to students
whose first language is not English, and students for whom the cost of
Mounce's fine text would represent two weeks' wages, not including the

Just a quick reality check, so that while we're taking advantage of every
new possibility--and I think the initiatives in Joe's post are admirable--we
also try to provide for the places where the church is growing the most
quickly and the need and interest are greatest. Besides, in Ethiopia it's
only 1993 (Julian calendar), so we have a few more years before we need to
worry about "this century"!

Stephanie Black

Stephanie L Black, PhD
Evangelical Theological College
Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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