[b-greek] results of May 1 want ad for volunteers

From: Barbara Friberg (Barbara.Friberg@ccmail.lfa.com)
Date: Wed Oct 03 2001 - 13:27:00 EDT

                                                     October 3, 2001

   On May 1, 2001 the forum ran my want ad looking for volunteer Greek
   experts to help us in a project to provide fourth-line reference glosses
   for a new edition of the Analytical Greek New Testament.

   In the following weeks I received just under twenty inquiries seeking
   more information about the project. I processed those over the next
   several months. The current status is that there are four of (y)our
   number helping out. All but one or two of those that (inquired but)
   withdrew apparently did so for considerations of time. There are just
   not enough hours in the week to do the Greek things (and others) that we
   all want to do. And five hours weekly is asking much.

   Thanks to all that read my ad, those that answered it, those that
   evaluated the project against their interests and available time, and
   especially to those that now persevere in helping out.

   (We can always use more volunteers, but with an eighty percent attrition
   rate [or is it a half life we're dealing with?], I am not sure I have
   the energy right now to interact with the additional seventy inquirers
   that would bring us up to the desired level of eighteen volunteers.)

   Thanks again,

   Timothy Friberg

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