[b-greek] Re: Lk 18:13; TWi hAMARTWLWi

From: Steven Lo Vullo (doulos@merr.com)
Date: Tue Nov 27 2001 - 22:05:40 EST


On Tuesday, November 27, 2001, at 07:25 PM, Clwinbery@aol.com wrote:

> Several grammars with which I am familiar deal with the article as used
> in
> Luke 18:13 as the article used to denote a class. egs. AXIOS hO ERGATHS
> MISQOU AUTOU. Lk. 10:7 "A worker is worthy of his wage." The article is
> used
> with a noun that denotes a group of which the prayer is a member. I
> know of
> no translation that translates either of these with the English article.


I'm not saying they are necessarily correct, but NASB and NAS95 have
"the sinner." Some believe the article was used because the tax
collector was comparing himself to the Pharisee--"me, the sinner, as
compared to him, the righteous one." I think the difference between the
example of Luke 10.7 and Luke 18.13 is that Luke 10.7 is a general,
axiomatic saying, with hO ERGATHS referring to no one in particular. On
the other hand, in Luke 18.13 the tax collector is describing himself
specifically and personally. And TWi hAMARTWLWi is in apposition to MOI,
which also seems to concretize and personalize TWi hAMARTWLWi, rather
than describe a category of which the tax collector is an example.
Again, I'm not sure that NASB/NAS95 are correct, but I think their
translation deserves a look.

Steven Lo Vullo
Madison, WI

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