[b-greek] Re: Commentaries

From: Suedaleg@aol.com
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 01:00:40 EST

To the comments from "djsugg" (no signature on my copy) about the notes at
http://www.btinternet.com/~MisPar/GNotes/ by Peter Misselbrook, I offer a
hearty AMEN. I have used Peter's notes and reading plan to strengthen my
understanding as well, and even have shared some of them with my Sunday
morning students. I hope he does not mind. I do give full credit. I have
often found these notes easier to use than a full comentary, (I have a few
that have been quite obtuse) and right where I need them when I need them.

Thanks to Peter for making these available

Dale Greenlee

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