[b-greek] Re: transliteration

From: Glenn Blank (glennblank@earthlink.net)
Date: Fri Mar 29 2002 - 15:24:49 EST

>From: "Carl W. Conrad" <cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu>
>Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 07:25:17 -0500

>The list seemed to dawn on me last night (unless it was a greater
>darkness!): what this whole thing of wanting to copy and paste a Greek text
>into an ASCII message is about. It appears to me that it may be about the
>difficulty of WRITING Greek text. I had always thought that Greek
>make a point at the beginning of a course of insisting that class members
>can transcribe Greek from a text to a written page or to a blackboard or
>whatever so that the Greek text is intelligible.

Actually, just speaking for myself, my difficulty is indeed in
transliterating, not writing. I am comfortable writing Greek text on a page
or blackboard: I know how words are spelled, and can usually write them
from memory. But in transliterating, I have to stop to think what English
letter corresponds to which Greek letter, and so I find myself looking at
the text just to see what letter comes next.

And, yes, you are right, I would have as much trouble typing in UniCode as
in a transliteration scheme, but the reason is because I learned to type
using English letters, not Greek letters.

But the good news is that since transliterating makes me stop and think
about individual letters rather than word-length chunks, I am strengthening
my grasp on the details of spelling.

As for other "transliteration" schemes that result from cutting and pasting,
I most always look at the printed text anyway . . . reading the Greek text
is so much easier than *any* tranliteration scheme.

>We do mean to be as tolerant as possible of mechanical errors, typos,
>misspellings, as also of such things as omitted rough breathings and iota

I have found it so. I just want to take this opportunity to express my
appreciation to the moderators for the time they invest to keep the list
running smoothly. I have enjoyed it immensely.

glenn blank
Pensacola FL

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