[b-greek] RE: Greek computer programs

From: Holly Vipond (hvipond@briercrest.ca)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 21:03:02 EDT

For a simple and free little program to drill on vocab, I recommend QuickMem
Greek at http://www.headthirst.com/greek.shtml

I've used it for years and have found it to be extremely helpful. It
categorizes words according to Metzger's Lexical Aids (by frequency) and
works pretty well.

I also have the Parsons Greek Tutor CD-ROM. The teaching aspect of it is
lacking, but it's great as a supplement to your classes--mainly for drilling
in conjugations, declensions, etc.

Holly Vipond

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan B. Ferguson [mailto:jferguson@tabernacleministries.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 1:57 PM
To: Biblical Greek
Subject: [b-greek] Greek computer programs

     Lord willing I will be starting BJU this fall. I plan on buying a
laptop computer. I would like to buy BibleWorks 5. Does anyone have it?
If you do, how do you like it? I use BibleWorks 4 at work quite often, so
I know how BibleWorks is set up. Also, does anyone else have any ideas
for (Koine) Greek aids for school? I have been studying Greek by myself
since July of 2001.

in Christ,
Jonathan B. Ferguson

Jeremiah 9:1

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