[b-greek] The Meaning of LOGIZOMAI

From: David Thiele (thielogian@yahoo.com)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 07:09:42 EDT

I recently received a posting on an another forum
which is dedicated to more theological discussion.
The issue at hand was the nature of justification. I
am raising this here, not to import theology to this
forum, but to get clarification of an argument based
on the meaning of the Greek word LOGIZOMAI.

The post I received contained an extract from the Blue
Letter Bible (whatever that may be) which concluded
with the following statement: "This word deals with
reality. If I 'LOGIZOMAI' or reckon that my bank book
has $25 in it, it has $25 in it. Otherwise I am
deceiving myself. This word refers to facts not

Does this statement accurately reflect the meaning of
LOGIZOMAI. It certainly does not seem to agree with
the what I have always understood about the word.


David Thiele
Pacific Adventist University
Papua New Guinea

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