[b-greek] Re: The Meaning of LOGIZOMAI

From: One of the McKays (musicke@ozemail.com.au)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 07:40:13 EDT

David, I love your email address! Very witty.

Looking through the 156 verses in the LXX and NT which use the word, it
would seem to me that it is used in a variety of ways.

Friberg says:
i; from a basic meaning think according to logical rules; (1) as an
objective reckoning; (a) as keeping a mental record take into account, keep
in mind, count (up) (1C 13.5); (b) charge or credit to someone's account,
reckon to (RO 4.11); (2) as the result of an objective evaluation consider,
look on as, regard as (AC 19.27); (3) as a subjective act of thought have in
mind, ponder, think (about) (1C 13.11); (4) as the result of a subjective
evaluation have an opinion, think, believe; followed by o[ti (that) (RO
8.18); followed by the accusative and an infinitive (RO 3.28)

Louw-Nida says:
to think about something in a detailed and logical manner - 'to think about,
to reason about, to ponder, reasoning.'

and also gives these meanings:
 (a) reason about 30.9
 (b) keep mental record 29.4
 (c) hold a view 31.1
 (d) charge to account 57.227

It also has
keep records of commercial accounts, invoices.

I reckon [I can pun, too] that the information you were sent is misleading.

David McKay

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