
Re: Deer Problem

Deborah Weyman wrote:
> I live in a wooded area in northern New Jersey.  I love the deer, but I
> also love to garden, especially with perennials.  Does anyone have a list
> of perennials that deer are less likely to eat?  What are some ideas for
> organic deer repellants?
> Deb Weyman
> Trenton State College
> weyman@Trenton.EduI am quoting from an Organic Gardening Dec 87 issue page 31 (A Deer Proof
Garden) The deer usually stay away from the following unless they are
really hungry.
TREES: California Bay or Oregon Myrtle, Edible Fig*, Holly, Maple, Oak,
Pine, Redwood, Spruce, Sweet Gum*, Tanbark oak, Walnut*

SHRUBS and VINES: Australian fuchsia, Bottle Brush, California
fuchsia,Catalina cherry, Clematis, Daphne*, Carolina jessamine*, Dusty
Millar*, English Lavender, Euonymus(spindle tree), Euryops, Hazelnut,
Jasmine, Jerusalem cherry, Juniper, Mexican Mock Orange, Natal Plum,
Oleander*, Pampas grass, Pitcher sage, Pomegranate*, Red-hot Poker,
Red-leaf or Japanese barberry, Rhododendron (except azalea-leaved
varieties), Rock-rose*, Rosemary, Santolina, Scotch broom, Shrubby
cinquefoil, Spanish Lavender, spicebush, Star Jasmine, Wild
Lilac(blueJean/emily brown only), Wire Grass, Yucca.

GROUND COVERS: Aaron's beard or creeping St John's wort, Algerian ivy,
Blue star creeper, Carpet bugle, English Ivy, Manzanita, Myrtle,
Peppermint, Sea pink, Spearmint, Trailing African daisy.

FLOWERS,FERNS,HERBS: Ageratum, Anemone, Bells of Ireland, Black-eyed
SUsan, Bleeding Heart*, Bracken, Calla Lily, Canterbury bell, Chain fern,
Chives, Chrysanthemum*, Coreopsis, Daffodil, Daylily, Deer-tongue fern,
Fescue grass, Foxglove, Gaillardia, Iceland Poppy, Iris, Lady Fern, Lily*
, Lily of the nile, Marguerite*, Mullein Pink;rose campion, Naked Lady
Lily, Oriental Poppy, Rock Aster, Snowflake, Sword fern, Tulip*,
Wake-robin, Wood fern, Yarrow, Zinnia.

CACTUSES AND SUCCULENTS; Any cactus with stout spines, a Sedum variety
called Utah, Spiny varieties of Hens and chickens.
I hope this helps. If you require the latin names, I can Supply them as
well. Any other thing you want to grow will have to be raised up,
trellised or wire-protected until they are big enough to fend for
        *Deer May sample once but won't come back. Please note there are
always exceptions with unusual taste buds.
bloke@magi.com (Bill Loke)Z5a
Kars, Ontario, Canada
'Whatever grows, behave like you meant it to grow.'